Determining Thermal Flow Structure in Fermenters with Different Shapes using Met-Flow's UVP-DUO

6 May 2024 by
Determining Thermal Flow Structure in Fermenters with Different Shapes using Met-Flow's UVP-DUO
Met-Flow SA

In the study presented at the 10th International Symposium on Ultrasonic Doppler Methods for Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Engineering, researchers from the University of Applied Sciences Stralsund used Met-Flow's UVP-DUO to determine the thermal flow structure inside fermenters with different shapes. The UVP-DUO was used to measure the velocity fields in the fermenters, while temperature measurements were also conducted to analyze the interrelationship between the heat transfer and flow structure.

The study found that the flow stability and fermentation process in the fermenters were affected by the height/diameter ratio and the bottom shape of the fermenter. The researchers used a tank with two different bottom shapes - a classic conical shape with a 60° angle and a hemispherical bottom - and equipped it with special design features.

The UVP-DUO was used to measure the velocity fields in the fermenters, with a measurement setup that included a two-dimensional diagnostic system for investigations of convection flow inside the fermenters. The system was able to establish the velocity in 128 separate points along the measurement axis, and two-dimensional measurements of velocities were obtained by measuring two velocity components at one spatial point to form a vector.

The UVP-DUO was used in both stationary and moving fluids, and was able to provide measurements in one, two, and three dimensions. The system's ease of use and intuitive software made it a valuable tool for the researchers in this study.

Overall, the study demonstrated the effectiveness of using the UVP-DUO to measure velocity fields in opaque fluids, and highlighted the advantages of using this technology in combination with temperature measurements to analyze the thermal flow structure inside fermenters. The UVP-DUO is a versatile and cost-effective solution for a variety of applications, including laboratory research and industrial process control.

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