We are pleased to appoint Nanotek Instruments, Inc. to represent Metflow in India, active in the following fields:
Hydrology and Fluid research, Atmospheric and Meteorological research, Oceanography and Marine science, Earth science and Environmental research.
Founded in 2007 and based in Chennai, Nanotek Instruments distributes various measuring instruments from international brands for scientific research, including PIV, LDA, LIF and microwave systems. Metflow’s Ultrasonic Velocity Profilers is then an excellent alternative device to complement Nanotek’s product range, for instance for measurements in opaque liquids or sediment suspensions. All fields related to Chemical/ Mechanical/ Petroleum Engineering, Food, Pharma, Consumer Products, Iron & Steel, Power Generation and Oil & Gas industries are still being managed by the company Tridiagonal Solutions Pvt Ltd based in Pune, with whom we have been collaborating since summer 2017.
We are delighted with this new partnership to better respond to the specific requests of our Indian clients and prospects in the very varied areas of use of our measurement system.
Met-Flow appointed a new agent in India for all environment-related fields